Book Review- Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek

Drawing the inference from the Marine Corps, wherein the culture exists that the junior Marines eat first while the most senior Marine officer takes their place at the back of the line, the author Simon Sinek justifies the title of my recent book “Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together, and Others Don't”.

I believe this book is far better written and engaging than the first book titled Start With Why

The book offers a unique perspective on 'leadership' and the art of building, sustaining, and performing in long-term teams. It stands out because it not only delves into areas like attitudes or culture in general but also emphasizes the need for adaptive leadership in the face of changing workforce dynamics and the call to transcend profit-centric leadership.

The book explores the concept of family culture in organizations. According to Sinek, a leader's role is not merely to 'command and order' but to ensure that all team members are equipped for success. The book encourages a culture where team members are not afraid to fail and are willing to seek help. It also advocates for leaders who take responsibility for their mistakes without searching for scapegoats, making it a practical guide for leadership.

The book defines successful leadership as one that establishes a Circle of Safety within the organization, reducing ambiguity, and fostering human connection between higher authority and employees. This transformative leadership model harnesses the power of trust and self-discipline among the employees, leading to loyalty, enhanced risk-taking ability, and increased innovation.

The book also delves into the fascinating science behind four types of chemicals, namely Endorphin (the pain-masking chemical), Dopamine( the goal-achieving chemical), Serotonin (the leadership chemical), and Oxytocin (the chemical of love), and how they influence employee behavior and expectations from leaders.

My recommendation- I strongly urge you to read this book. It's a valuable resource that will keep the serotonin and Oxytocin flowing in our leadership journey!

Quotes from the book-
“The leaders of great organisations do not see people as a commodity to be managed to help grow the money. They see the money as the commodity to be managed to help grow their people.”

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

“You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.”

“Let us all be the leaders we wish we had.”

“We are not victims of our situation. We are the architects of it.”


  1. Your reviews are so good that they make reading the book unnecessary!!!

    1. Haha. That is a big compliment coming from you, mam. Thank you. Keep checking the blog and sharing!!

  2. Now a days such leadership qualities are lacking in leaders except fews. So being a team member of any firm or ongc specially we need allfour types of chemicals, namely Endorphin (the pain-masking chemical), Dopamine( the goal-achieving chemical), Serotonin (the leadership chemical), and Oxytocin (the chemical of love) in our leader and how they influence employee's or team members behavior will be more extended expectations for leading our goals and for team members to see the support need to them fulfilled or not. On that basis all leadship qualities stay in and out of leader achievement and goals or mission of success in leaders.

  3. Beautifully written ma'am,
    With this my "Must read books list" has got one more addition to it.

  4. Best quotes are listed for becoming the best Leader. After going through your review I felt like I must read this book. Thanks for your review Ekta. Keep reading. And enlighten us with your reading.

    1. Thank you mam for always encouraging me. Keep checking the blog.


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