
Showing posts from April, 2021

The Need of need

  The need to live When I was in 6 th standard, my world’s absolute end was to get enrolled in 10 th standard. All my longings were directed to reach 10th class… with the naïve notion that magically my life aim shall be settled for good. That was my HAPPY EVER AFTER. And, as you can relatively guess after my 10 th standard was over, another contest started and the subsequent need appeared (the 12 th standard!!) Term “ Need ” may be described in micro words as wish, demand, want, or in macro terms ( those famous elegant terminologies! ) called as vision, goal, and dream .   The satisfied need has yet not been uncovered by myself. It comes off that the need of need is never-ending. Some say… It is useful to have decided need for oneself as it is kind of a scheme to go ahead in life, but others say it is a mere illusion. Occasionally I feel like I am breathing in a sad movie where the end is never exciting. In this delusional world, wherein everything is so temporary, we attach

The Blind Men and the Elephant (Short Story)

  Disclaimer- This a parable from India that has been adapted by many religions and published in various stories for adults and children. There were once six blind men who stood by the road-side every day, and begged from the people who passed. They had often heard of elephants, but they had never seen one; for, being blind, how could they? It so happened one morning that an elephant was driven down the road where they stood. When they were told that the great beast was before them, they asked the driver to let him stop so that they might see him. Of course they could not see him with their eyes; but they thought that by touching him they could learn just what kind of animal he was. The first one happened to put his hand on the elephant's side. " Well, well !" he said, " now I know all about this beast. He is exactly like a wall. " The second felt only of the elephant's tusk. " My brother, " he said, " you are mistaken. He is not at all like

Meaning of Success

  Life journey vis-à-vis Success The word “Success” is quite overrated! Don't you agree? If you inquire 100 people about the meaning of this word, you will find 100 different explanations. Majorly "success" is tallied from other’s stances and barely from introspection. There is a mammoth quantity of books and articles written to establish success but not a single definition asserts it all. The day we were born alongside entered innumerable parameters interpreting our life journey in terms of being successful. I wonder... whether this so-called “success” is a sheer challenge for beings to perform generously and get sacrificed in worldly affairs, or does this have any tangible effect on finding actual meaning to life? Does success need to be enormous and compels an acknowledgment from others or do private accomplishments and self-peace record success? Because for me, if I get up early in the dawn and… although no one claps or put a medal on me… it is a successful day f

Book review- Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

Image from Internet Oftentimes I hear proverb  putting yourself in someone else's shoes and every time it appears to be the most difficult task. Several times, my profession shows me dilemmas when empathy needs to go hand in hand while rendering decisions, however exercising the same is  different story altogether.   Technically, Empathy is the capacity to discern or perceive what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference, that is, the capacity to seat oneself in another's position. And if searched on the internet or read through books, definitions of empathy entail a broad range of emotional states. However, in my opinion, the first step towards empathy begins with being sensitive towards one's emotional environment along with understanding the person living in that environment. This particular novel is full of episodes showcasing the characters as being empathetic to others and sometimes not-so sympathetic and how this influences the consequence