Greet Everyone With A Smile


Good morning reader,

Recently I have been experimenting with daily etiquette with consciousness and found it utterly fulfilling. Today's blog is my take on "The propriety of greetings".

I know it sounds silly, but the consciousness of this small habit/ritual began when I was teaching my kids the "Good Habits" lesson a year back.

Namaste, Good morning, Good night, and All the best … or a mere smile, a hand-wave…or a WhatsApp message with a kind hello message…sometimes greetings become very words, with or without any feelings created. Greeting the house help with a smile or wishing the exam-going students an "All the best", even though internally I don't know their ability.. may bring a glimpse of confidence in them and a moment of a smile on my face.

Greetings are not mere words but high-energy blessings, where we firmly believe only lovely things should happen to the other person. These greetings are the way to radiate our enthusiasm and the easiest way to showcase the best of our intentions.

Sometimes people ignore the greetings in the name of ‘being busy’, but I always wonder whether anyone is genuinely so busy just to revert to a smile or hello. But at times, I have felt the greetings are said so casually that it remains a phrase with no feelings attached. These feelingless greetings bring no emotional fulfilment and are a burdened courtesy.

With the post covid times, and after encountering innumerable death news worldwide, we must not forget the importance of being alive and human. After all, life may be small, but we can make it large with our acts.

I earnestly urge you to revisit the importance of greetings. I am sharing my share of the importance of greetings- cum - advice…the list here is not original but a recollection from various reads-

1. Greet everyone enthusiastically when you meet them for the first time in the day - family, neighbours, strangers, co-travellers and colleagues. It's an opportunity to create and radiate pure energy.

2. Smiling and greeting people genuinely takes more or less than 3 seconds. Create an intention and conviction that their day will be perfect. This raises the vibrations of people and the environment. And you are the first to experience happiness due to your good thoughts.

3. Voluntarily greet people. Do not be reluctant just because someone is younger by age, junior by position, or if ego stops you. Radiate goodness to everyone, every time.

4. Even if someone does not acknowledge, sustain your beautiful quality. Continue to greet them the next day…and the next. Watch how the energy positively impacts you and them.

Greetings may or may not improve relationships, but it has the immense power to change how we feel about a person, place and ourselves. Let us become the ambassadors of positive energy only. đŸ’¥

Thank you for reading the blog, and have a blessed day!!đŸ˜‡


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