Integrating Integrity in life - A thought


"Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not." - Oprah Winfrey

Let me confess. This blog post is my shy version of investigating integrity at par with my perception and daily routine. Integrity is still a core value in my disposition… invariably on how people nowadays use this term lightly and as per their wimps and comfort.

In my understanding, the kernel of integrity is the promise or vow or commitment. A promise with self to be honest and a vow to be true at any time. A promise is a promise…with no interim 'ifs' or 'buts' intruding anywhere in between the delivery of the promise. And since I am the sentry of my word…that’s why I rarely make promises to other people which I can't uphold. It may look arrogant or self-obsessed or sort of anti-social, but as my close college friend used to tell me- “You are a true scorpion”, I don’t believe in short-term connections or friendships based on fibs or shaky pacts.

"You are in integrity when the life you are living on the outside matches who you are on the inside." - Alan Cohen

Anyways, back to the subject of the blog, my ancient soul keeps me on the hallway of integrity with its persistent sound in the rear of my senses (not in some sickening maddening style). Because to live the easy way out or endure daily rethinking… are not merely two different choices. They are different footpaths through life. They are utterly different ways of existing.

The Random House Dictionary defines integrity as-

1. Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.

2. The state of being whole, entire, or undiminished.

3. A sound, unimpaired or perfect condition.

Although the definition is sound, it can be a bit more complex to establish integrity in our everyday lives. Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.

Here is the list of “Everyday Integrity” you can check and follow. The list is based on my personal experience.

1. Keeping the promises, even if it takes extra effort.

2. Always paying the debt (be it a small amount taken from the closet friend or family member. Settle the bill)

3. Never betray a friend's trust even if you get in trouble.

4. Avoiding judgmental talks about someone (because everyone has a story)

5. Do not let someone else take the blame for something you did. Also, develop the habit of providing the proper credit to the one who deserves it.

6. If someone gives you confidential information, never tell anyone what you know.

7. Working when you are supposed to. Save socializing, snacking, searching the internet, and personal phone calls for no work time.

8. Being responsible. Doing what you say you will do.

9. Articulate your feelings and share openly in deep conversations. Don’t expect others to understand them automatically

10. Being kind to self and others. Because everyone is fighting and struggling through life's challenges.

Just imagine how wonderful our worlds will be if we all shall conduct our acts maintaining the required integrity.

Do share your list of integrity and how you are adding colors to your soul and the world around you. Looking forward to learning from you


  1. Hey there...
    I guess i was one of the prominent ones who would keep calling you a true Scorpion.

    I like this list. Though i believe most people don't have most of these habits, but for me its more like i have all these habits already. So in my opinion it's just the tip of an iceberg and integrity is much beyond these basics. Calling them Basics, one can start from here if one wishes to change for the better. However, it's maybe a situation driven decision for some, while for most it is about values. Their value system, you know which again is dependent on a whole lot of other variables.
    So, for all those who are already this list, integrity is much more complex. While for others who are willing and trying, this list is a good start.

    1. Yes!! (For the first para)
      & Thank you for your insight dear


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