Book Review- Karma by Sadhguru

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One of the subjects of my interest is KARMA. I have been reading about it, analyzing its various facets through several readings and also through my rendition and self-dialogues.

After completing this recent read titled Karma: A Yogi's Guide to Crafting Your Destiny by Sadhguru, I realize that my previous blog relating to the topic- The Law of Karma is like a kid’s interpretation of Karma. 
The very first chapter offers the definition of Karma which in itself is plenty to think about and self-reflect. “Karma is the accumulated impression of past activity, either of thought, emotion, or physical action. The quality of the karma that you gather is not necessarily in terms of action alone. It is also in terms of the volition with which action is performed.”

In this book, Sadhguru elucidates the common fallacies about the whole idea of Karma being a punishment or a reward for the deeds done. As per him “Every moment of your life, you act – physically, mentally, emotionally, and energy-wise. Each action creates a certain memory. That is karma.”

Reading this book was a profound experience. It brought back glimpses from my life, the various incidents that occurred in the past and which were kind of unknowable and unexplainable, but somehow this reading gave them comprehensible meaning and context. This huge topic mixed with fluffy stories kept me turning the pages.

This book is a dictionary and the SOP of how karma works, how we can handle karma for our up-gradation, and make use of it for others' wellbeing.

For me, the most stunning part was the third part of this book. It has almost all the queries and responses that anyone could have regarding karma in their mind. I was able to resonate strongly with the chapters on the physical and mental body, but I found the chapters on the energy body hard to comprehend. I will have to read these chapters again.

After reading this book… I guess a few of my myths about karma have been washed away and now I have a fresh sense of clarity and simplicity about looking toward so many situations in my life differently. Now I know that Karma is not some “Sin & Punishment Saga” but the very foundation of our existence. We just have to regulate our karma in the right way.

The book is full of passages, hereby sharing the ones I wish to save in my conscience forever-

“What is happening within you and how you experience your life is entirely your making – your karma.”

“With a little awareness, every human being can begin to transform habit into a choice, compulsion into consciousness.”

“So the source of your misery is not your past actions. The source of your misery is how you’re processing the imprint of the past now.”

“You are in the moment. There is nowhere else to be. Existentially, this is the only truth.”



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