The Gift of listening


Talking, listening & Sharing

I recently joined Clubhouse.

Clubhouse app is a modern age Radio—where folk around the world show up together to talk, listen and learn from each other in real-time. I found some engaging discussion rooms varying from literature, cinema, travel, history, sports, mental peace, office politics, parenting, music, and Covid-19, among others. This is an unusual app that has no option to write or upload. This audio-only app hosts live discussions in virtual “rooms”. The users can discuss with each other via audio, with opportunities to participate through speaking and listening. Users cannot upload pictures or videos, or type any text, and everything vanishes after the moment passes- without scope to like, re-tweet or share, or even download it.

Anyway, this post is not an advertisement for the Clubhouse app.

This post is a sort of self-reminder regarding the “gift of hearing” received from Almighty and to the “power of listening” which I am unfolding with the fleeting time.

For me, the symbols for ears, eyes, undivided attention, and heart comprise the exact definition for “to listen.”

The voice has its influence when the words that are uttered... affect the character, development, or behavior of someone or something. I still recollect the nights when my mom used to recite the stories about kings and queens and their braveries, the tales of freedom warriors, the saga of Panchatantra. Listening to those magical acts of heroism and wisdom not only fostered imagination to experience different realms but enabled me to develop empathy for the characters… as in why they did what they did.

My existing work profile has given me an active understanding that I might not always be comfortable with what I hear and I might not convey an immediate solution, but by truly listening to the people who expect to be heard, I guess I can still extend them some peace of mind and heart. Listening always unwraps gaps in other people’s thoughts and inferring how every person’s opinion varies.

With the modest conclusion to finish off this post, I quote Roy T. Bennett

Listen with curiosity. Speak with honesty. Act with integrity. The greatest problem with communication is we don’t listen to understand. We listen to reply. When we listen with curiosity, we don’t listen with the intent to reply. We listen for what’s behind the words.”


  1. Totally agree with your views on listening. We don't listen to understand, we listen to reply - how true

    1. Yes. It is a habit that needs cultivation. Thanks for reading mam. Keep checking out the blog for new post.

  2. What is listening? Does anyone listen to anyone these day? 😞

    1. Hmm... Let us first practice listening with patience.

      Then others will start soon.

    2. Thank you for reading. Keep checking for a new post on the blog.

  3. Dear Ekta,
    Firstly before starting my comment here I actually downloaded the App-Clubhouse. Seems a good one.

    Listening is an art which is very important in these times and especially if you are in public dealing assignment.

    Sometimes if you don't have instant solution still if we hear the other person with attention breaks the ice and eliminate chances of miscommunication.

    I have heard, these days in old age homes, some good people visit them to spend time and sit for few hours and listen to the senior citizens. This helps both ways,the young ones as well as the old ones.

    Sometimes we should just listen to only listen without replying and feel the calming effect in your heart.

    A good topic.
    Well done

    1. I guess the clubhouse application is kind of re-imbibing the culture of listening.

      Thanks for reading. I do always look forward to your views which add to my knowledge too.

      Keep checking the blog.

  4. Listening is a skill which is a prerequisite for a successful HR professional


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