Glowing Testimonial of Arrogant Boss

Disclaimer - This chronicle is derived from my personal experience. Please be spirited while reading this and Keep an Open Mind.

The last twilight caught me ignorant and lead to an experience that resulted in an eye-opening revelation.

It was a long-distance call from my sister-from-another-mother that ended in thirty minutes. With initial Heys’!! and Hellos’!!, and a little discussion on Kangana Ranaut’s twitter statement and C+ situation, the next course of chit-chat was- Workplace.

Guys, believe me, it was a just-the-genuine!-simple!-whatsUpinyourofficelife type question. 

But unknowingly my office-inquiry detonated all her dormant emotions. She talked about “him” incessantly. Those 15 minutes’ were in stark resemblance with Pyar Ka Panchanama Scene (Bollywood Movie). The gist of that non-stop-boss-saga is relatable with lyrics of one of the songs by Swift Taylor (Singer)-

I'd be a fearless leader

I'd be an alpha type

When everyone believes ya

What's that like?

I'm so sick of running

As fast as I can

Wondering if I'd get there quicker

If I was a man

And I'm so sick of them


Arrogant Boss (aka A_Boss) can mean anything. From being a bigwig to numero ununo or honco. Heck…. A_Boss-of-the-day could even be a daily-help with her mulishness.

A_bosses are likely to create a “poisonous” atmosphere.

One of web search led me to write up of Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, Silverman, along with researchers Russell E. Johnson, Nicole McConnell, and Alison Carr, who say that

“Arrogance has run amock lately. Arrogant bosses are therefore more likely to pursue failing courses of action that could otherwise have been prevented. Arrogant behavior can be an especially challenging problem to deal with due to the fact that arrogant individuals consider their own behavior acceptable and thus do not monitor their own actions when interacting with others.”

A_Bosses just love Bootlicking. In fact, they propagate this agenda. Co-workers or juniors who are assiduous and are honest are taken for granted by these A_bosses. For such bosses, any follow-comrade who is punctual, disciplined, and straightforward, soft-spoken, and grueling to have work-life balance is not productive enough.

For such A_Bosses, I have a  sweet message-

Dear Arrogant Bosses of this world, you may have forgotten your struggling days, or rather you were lucky to have an empathetic senior. But here I am. Standing tall, efficacious with a smile on the face. We both have our struggles and I understand this. Hope one day you will also agree and see who I am. And unlike you, I have one soul and one face.

Back to that eventful evening. I never shared the recent erudition on arrogant bosses to my friend. After listening to her, I gave her candid advice.

Thanks to professional HR experience that gave me a reality check. Because, as we know, Revolutionary thoughts and actions in office never result well.

Tuning is needed on both ends. Stop pointing finger. Remember, the last thing they (arrogant bosses) want to hear is - their criticism. Be patient. Communication is the key.

DM me (or leave your comments here) with your share of experiences and learnings from dealing with A_Bosses. Of course, you too are most welcome with your judgment A_Boss (wink wink)!!


  1. Nowadays we don't require bosses. Success comes with great leadership so require great leaders not bosses to achieve your goals.

    1. Yes. That is very much true. Infact my next book review is on leadership. Keep Reading. Thanks

  2. Ever noticed: An overbearing boss is usually extremely humble before his own bosses and a docile subordinate becomes an overbearing boss with his own subordinates.


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