Birth-Day (Time to Revise Life Lessons acquired to date!!)

Memories- Birthday with supreme God Gifts (my kids) !!

Disclaimer- This is an emotional note of my learning till date and my way of paying heartfelt gratitude to all beings in my life.

It is my birthday morning.

And I have just finished re-re-read of this amazing book “The pursuit of Happyness” by Cris Gardner.

Every birthday this-great-modest-book read has turned out to be a personal tradition. It helps me re-evaluate and re-affirm my life with the thought - I CAN DO ANYTHING!

Today while sitting in far-fledge-never-thought-type-place at Assam and in utterly quiet time, I just can't stop thinking of the passage from this book-

“The future was uncertain, absolutely, and there were many hurdles, twists, and turns to come, but as long as I kept moving forward, one foot in front of the other, the voices of fear and shame, the messages from those who wanted me to believe that I wasn't good enough, would be stilled.”

From being an obedient daughter, loyal wife, sincere employee, honest mother, and a hopeful life-seeker I am feeling satisfied to be "truly" living…. or at least, managing to learn how to LIVE every single day.

Covid times made me appreciate that my life may not be lengthy, but I will make sure that it will be lived breath-wise queen-size.

I have invariably wondered - What is life if I simply avoid it? My experiences are making me stronger, and aiming for something new- as long as it does not hurt anyone – is my "good" way to enrich myself.

My journey, so far, in life has been amazing…. magical!!

I have started training myself to look at defeat and disappointment like looking over the edge of a cliff. In such situations, I give two choices to myself: either jump or turn around and face things. AIRDROP.

I hope that in the long run, tackling things head-on instead of running away from them is going to make me who I was truly born to be.

Changing an accepted narrative to a productive one is so important. I have learned that even if doing the right thing feels like the harder thing to do… just do it.

Someone once told me that true humility is the ability to learn from every single person you meet. Every day we can learn a hell of a lot of things from people and things surrounding us!

Living with a positive perspective may not be easy, but quite possible. It is one of my motto in life. My mother always says that Positive life becomes possible when you (read each point sloooooowly)- 

1. decide to find good things in you and your life,
2. decide to find good things in others and their lives,
3. acknowledge good things in you and your life,
4. acknowledge good things in others and their lives,
5. appreciate the good things in you and your life,
6. appreciate the good things in others and their lives,
7. rejoice in the good parts of you and your life, and
8. rejoice in the good parts of others and their lives.

Happy Birthday to me.

I am grateful to all who have touched my life in one way or another. You all are my blessings sent by the supreme power.

“Still a dreamer, yet more of a realist than ever before, I knew this was my time to sail. On the horizon, I saw the shining future, as before. The difference now was that I felt the wind at my back. I was ready.”


  1. Beautifully penned down👌🏻👌🏻

  2. Birthday:
    I believe you have already got your birthday gift by the realisation that it is your boat and you are the sailor and this life is the ocean.
    Going by the thoughts you have shared with experiences of your own and sayings of your mother I am pretty sure that you are on the right path and are truly following the path of your favourite birthday book by Chris Gardner The pursuit of happiness.

    1. Aye aye captain. Thanks for inspiring and guiding me to put in my best efforts.

  3. "aiming for something new- as long as it does not hurt anyone – is my "good" way to enrich myself."- witout any doubt, this is sure shot way to grow in lasting happiness for all aspirants and beauty is there is guaranteed space for everyone.
    This is a very important life lesson in itself. Sincere appreciation for putting it in words and sharing.

    1. Thank you sir. I shall & will always try to be better. Do keep reading.

  4. Nice....enjoyed reading
    Happy birthday dear.

    1. Thanks. Continue to check out the blog for new posts

  5. Beautiful penned down. Wish u all the happiness. Happy birthday 🥳 Cheers!

  6. Lovely picture..and inspiring post.. keep rising and shining.. Happy birthday dear blogger

    1. Thank you so much reader. Keep checking out the blog for a new post

  7. Lovely write up ..!!!

  8. Happy birthday to ekta
    Learn positive points from all u come across in life.
    God Bless You

    1. I will always keep learning. Thank you for inspiring me. Keep reading the blog sir.


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