
Showing posts from October, 2024

ET TU Boss!

Disclaimer- This blog post is primarily a copy-paste from a LinkedIn post. Sometimes, all the knowledge gained from reading books seems insignificant compared to the emotionally taxing real-life situations presented by life. Fortunately, there are people in our circle who make themselves available to provide rational explanations of events and help in deriving lessons from such experiences. This blog post is dedicated to all the bosses who are striving to uphold moral standards in the mini pond  called organization against the fishes-impersonating-sharks  of this pond. As Boss's Day is approaching i.e., October 16th, I reminisce about all the "good" bosses who inspired hope and all the "bad" bosses who provided a reality check in my professional journey. The post is re-iterated as : === A colleague of mine texted me in distress. She:- My boss has done me the ultimate dis-service. He has played brutus to me by presenting her idea as his own. Me:- Tha

Book Review- First Things First by Stephen R. Covey

“If you were to pause and think seriously about the “first things” in your life—the three or four things that matter most—what would they be?” Despite our immediate challenges, we must always maintain sight of the 'first things' in life . This book, First Things First , published in 1994, offers wisdom that remains as pertinent today as it was then. Having read other works by Covey, I found this book to be a compelling addition to his collection. First Things First, as the name suggests, is the stepwise guide to balancing personal and professional life. It is a not-typical motivational cum self-help book but somewhere in between management goals and personal growth.  The concepts are explained with interesting diagrams, pictorial presentations, matrices, etc ( a typical Covey Style! ), e.g. Urgent-Important Matrix (prioritise tasks in terms of urgency and importance.), ABC method ( identifying ‘A’ tasks, which are the top priority, ‘B’ or ‘secondary’ tasks, and the