Book Review- The Diary of a CEO by Steven Bartlett
I knew Steven Bartlett through his celebrated podcast, The Diary of a CEO . I admire his courage to be truthful about his weakness and pridefully own it . Bartlett is a British-Nigerian entrepreneur and a famous podcaster. He is the founder of Thirdweb, Flight Story and Flight Story Fund. His book “The Diary of a CEO” underlines that simple ways are the best and the beys are always simple. The book begins with the idea of mastering the self by filling the five interconnected buckets, i.e. knowledge, skills, network, resources, and reputation. Anyone who starts with acquiring knowledge applies it to developing a set of skills. With this acquired knowledge and skill, one develops valuable relationships and expands the networks, thus enhancing the resources and reputation. By setting the tone, he begins his set of 33 Laws with a holistic approach and precise wisdom, explained crisply in simple language and thus presenting the unique way for mastering the self. Each law is exp...